
Standard Concrete
TCG SP Sample Preparation
C 39 Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Specimens
C 39 Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Specimens (Pair of 3)
C 42 Compressive Strength Drilled Concrete Cores
C 78 Flexural Strength of Concrete (ea. test) (6-in. beams)
C78 Flexural Strength of Concrete (ea. test) (4-in. beams)
C469 Modulus of Elasticity
C 187 Cement Paste Consistency (ea. set)
C 191 Cement Paste Set Time
C232 Bleeding
C 403 Setting Time
C192 Concrete Batch < 2.75ft3 (Includes slump, unit volume, and plastic air)
C192 Concrete Batch Large Mixer >2.75ft3  & Less than 5.75ft3 (Includes slump, unit volume, and plastic air)
C 496 Splitting Tensile Strength
C 642 Density, Absorption, & Air Voids in Hardened Concrete
C 666 Freeze-Thaw Durability (Price per mix)
C1610 Static Segregation (SCC)
C1611 Slump Flow (SCC)
C1621 J-Ring (SCC)
Other SCC L-Box
C 1583 Pull off for tensile strength
D7234 Pull off
Dimensional Stability
C 157 Length Change of Hardened Hydraulic-Cement Mortar and Concrete
C 177 Thermal Conductivity of Concrete
CRD C 36 Thermal Diffusivity of Concrete
CRD C 39 Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
CRD-C124 Specific Heat
C 878 Restrained Expansion
C 1698 Autogenous Shrinkage
C512 Creep
Corrosion & Durabillity
C 672 Scaling Resistance of Concrete Surfaces Exposed to Deicing Chemicals (per Set)
LS-412 Canadian Salt Scaling
C 876 Half-Cell Potentials of Uncoated Reinforcing Steel in Concrete
C1012 Sulfate Resistance
C1280 ASR Acclerated Mortar Bar for Aggregates
C 1293 -1 Concrete Prism Test "Long-Term Test"  (1 or 2 Year Duration on 3 Bars)  -  1st yr
C 1293 -2 Concrete Prism Test "Long-Term Test"  (1 or 2 Year Duration on 3 Bars)  -  2nd yr
C 1567 Potential ASR of "Combinations of Cementitous Materials"
and Aggregate (Accelerated Mortar-Bar Method)
C1581 Restrained Ring Shrinkage (Crack Rings) (Batching not included)
C1579 Plastic Shrinkage Cracking   of Restrained Fiber Reinforced Concrete
F1869 Moistured Vapor Emission Rate
F2170 Relative Humidity in Concrete
G 109 Concrete test to evaluate corrosion inhibitors or Corrosion (4 specimens)
G109 Modified Controlled Flexural  Crack Width Corrosion Test using large G109 specimens
G 180 Slurry test to evaluate corrosion inhibitors
M-82 Bureau of Reclamation Protocol to Evaluate Topical and Patch Repairs
G  61 Cyclic Polarization and modifications for Cement/Concrete Applications
A 955 Annex methods for testing of SS rebar performance
TCG Carb Carbonation
CRD C 662 Potential ASR of "Combinations of Cementitous Materials"
and Aggregate (Accelerated Mortar-Bar Method)
TCG Res Resistivity
Specialty Tests Variations of existing methods or new methods
Vol 3.02 Most corrosion tests mentioned
C 1202/T277 Rapid Chloride Permeability Test
NT Build 492 Nordtest for Nonsteady state diffusion coefficient
C 1543 Determining Penetration of Chloride into Concrete by Ponding (ASHTO T259)
C 1556 Determining the Apparent Chloride Diffusion Coeffecient of Cementitious Mixtures by Bulk Diffusion (Acid Soluble )
C 1585 C1585 Capillary Absorption
C 1757 Bulk Absorption
C1760 Bulk Electrical Conductivity of Hardened Concrete
C1876 Bulk Electrical Resistivity or Bulk Conductivity of Concrete
D 6489 Water Absorption of Hardened Concrete Treated With Water Repellent/Set
NCHRP 244 Sealer Test for Chloride Ingress
T_259 AASHTO Resistance of Concrete to Chloride Ion Pentration (ASTM 1543 2 slabs one time 925)
BS1881: 122 30 minute absorption
STADIUM C642, ION Migration, Moisture Transport1100 ea/ 210 C642 testing
STADIUM IDC or MTC Calculation (Via STADIUM Lab)
NT Build 492 Non steady-state diffusion coefficient
FM 5-578 Surface Resistivity
E96 Vapor Transmission
C-20.0 NC NO2-  Determination NCDOT Test Method each determination (triplicates)
C 1152-P Acid Soluble Chloride in  Mortar & Concrete (Powder)
C 1152-C Concrete Core
C 1152-PS Profile Sampling (2-3 mm Increments)
C 1218-P Water Soluble Chloride in  Mortar & Concrete   Powder
C 1218-C Concrete Core
C 1218-PS Profile Sampling (2-3 mm Increments)
C 1218-BG Back Ground Chlorides Duplicate Tests from Core 2 Tests
AASHTO Cl Add $15/sample to ASTM Price
C 1524 Soxhlet Water Soluble Chloride Test
TCG Nitrite Nitrite Content (Hardened Concrete)
C 1679 Standard Practice for Measuring Hydration Kinetics of Hydraulic Cementitious Mixtures Using IsothermalCalorimetry
MicroTrac Particle Size Analysis (Reacts with water, e.g. cement, slag)  75 nm to 1.5 mm
MicroTrac Particle Size Analysis (does not react with water, e.g. silica fume, glass) 75 nm to 1.5 mm
C 29 Bulk Density ("Unit Weight") Voids in Aggregates
C 33 Fine Concrete Agg (Fine)  C29,C40,C88,C117,C123,C128,C136,C142,
C 33 Coarse Concrete Agg (Coarse)  C88,C117,C123,C127,C136,C131,C142,
C 40 Organic Impurities in Fine Aggregates for Concrete
C 88 Soundness of Aggregates Sodium  or Magnesium Sulfate (Fine Agg)
C 117 Materials Finer than #200 sieve in Minerial Aggregates by washing
C123 Lightweight Particles in Aggregate
C 127 Density, Relative Density (Specific Gravity), & Absorption of Coarse Aggregate
C 128 Density, Relative Density (Specific Gravity), & Absorption of Fine Aggregate
C 135 Specific Gravity of Refractory Materials (SF as in C1240_)
C 136 Sieve Analysis of Fine or Coarse Aggregates (6 Sieves)
C 142 Clay Lumps & Friable particles in Aggregates
C 227 Potential Alkali Reactivity of Cement-Aggregate Combinations (Mortar Bar Method)
C 441 Effectiveness of Pozzolans ro GBFS in preventing Expansion of Conc.due to ASR
C 1260 Accelerated Mortar Bar Test "Aggregates" (14 or 28 Day Duration on 3 Bars)
C 1567 Accelerated Mortar Bar Test "Aggregates" (SCMs) (14 or 28 Day Duration on 3 Bars)
T_260 (Water) Sampling and Testing for Chloride Ion in Concrete and Concrete Raw Materials
T_260 (Acid) Sampling and Testing for Chloride Ion in Concrete and Concrete Raw Materials
LA Abrasion See ASTM D75 for particle size requirements ($350 minimum fee)
C 295* Petrographic Examination of Aggregates for Concrete Coarse Aggregate Crushed
C295* Petrographic Examination of Aggregates for Concrete Sand
Depth of carbonation (phenolphtalien indicator) per core
C 457 Microscopial Determination of Parameters of the Air-Void Sys of Hardened Conc.
C 856 Petrographic Examination of Hardened Concrete
C457/C856 Combo Combination Air Void + Petro
Reduced C856 If just doing ASR or AAR
D4791 Flat and Elongaed
CRD-C 130 Other Soft Particles
X-ray Diffraction (per sample not including preparation, drop off cost)
Particle Size Analysis (Non hydraulic)
Particle Size Analysis (Hydraulic) (Blaine determined for cement)
*Need large volumes of aggregates
Soil Testing
G57 Soil Box Resistivity
G51 pH
G200 Oxidation Potential
EPA 9056 Chloride and sulfate
C156 Water Loss (mortar) Through Liquid Membrane Curing Compounds
Calibration of drying room if required
C309 Touch Test 1 sealer
D2369 Volatile Content
D6937  Density of Emulsified Asphalt
OHD L-40  Modified OK DOT Sealer Penetration Test (D6489 conditioning)
TCG DepthSeal Depth of Sealer (Water Droplet)   1st Test
D 6489 Water Absorption of Hardened Concrete Treated With Water Repellent/Set

Contact Info

3401 Midlink Drive, Kalamazoo, MI 49048-9603

(269) 384-9980
[email protected]

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